October 8-11, 2002
Grenoble, France

General Co-Chairs
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
   University of Maryland
Trevor Mudge
   University of Michigan

Program Co-Chairs
Wayne Wolf
   Princeton University
Ahmed Jerraya
   TIMA, Grenoble, France

Steering Committee
Guang R. Gao
   University of Delaware
Vinod Kathaild
   Hewlett-Packard Labs
Edward Lee
   University of California Berkeley
Jaime Moreno
   IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Krishna V. Palem
   Georgia Institute of Technology
Wayne Wolf
   Princeton University

Co-Ordination Vice-Chair
Bruce Jacob
   University of Maryland

Tutorial Chairs
X. Sharon Hu
   University of Notre Dame
Joerg Henkel

Publications Vice-Chair
Jack Davidson
   University of Virginia

Publicity Vice-Chair
Frank Mueller
   North Carolina State University

Luciano Lavagno
   University of Udine/Cadence,
   Italy (for Europe)

Hiroto Yasuura
   Kyushu University,
   Japan (for Asia)

co-located with EMSOFT 2002 (Oct 7-9) http://www-emsoft02.imag.fr/

Click Here for the PDF version of the call for papers.


Papers due: June 15, 2002 (extended to June 22, 2002)
Author notification: July 12, 2002
Camera ready copy due: August 5, 2002


We are pleased to announce that CASES 2002 is co-located in Grenoble with EMSOFT, the International Workshop on Embedded Software. The themes of CASES and EMSOFT are complementary, and collectively cover all aspects of embedded system design.


Time-to-market has become a crucial objective to embedded system designers in the context of enabling technologies such as compilation, novel architectures, synthesis, reconfigurable hardware and others. In these contexts, much of the successful research so far has been performed in increasingly specialized research areas localized into ``communities'' working in vertically integrated fields. This working conference, the fifth in the CASES series, will provide a common forum for researchers from the computer engineering and science disciplines with an interest in embedded systems to reach across such vertically integrated communities and to promote potential synergies.

As evident from the past CASES meetings, several of the emerging application areas are critically dependent on these interactions for their sustained growth and evolution. Application areas that embody application-specific embedded computing include set-top boxes, hand-held games, mobile and web appliances, advanced automotive systems, high-performance networking and others. For these areas to thrive, new technologies must address constraints on cost, code size, weight, power consumption and real-time response as well as performance. Concerns of time-to-market are a dominant but not exclusive theme of the conference.



  • John Rayfield, ARM Ltd.
  • Giovanni De Micheli, Stanford University

Program Committee

Mani Srivastava, UCLA (Chair)
Luca Benini, University of Bologna
Sujit Dey, UCSD
Marc Engels, IMEC
Brian Evans, UT Austin
Rajesh Gupta, UCI
Paul Lettieri, Broadcom
Viktor Prasanna, USC
Asim Smailagic, CMU
Gaurav Sukhatme, USC
Ingrid Verbauwhede, UCLA

Compilers and Operating Systems
Jens Palsberg, Purdue University (Chair)
Rajeev Barua, University of Maryland
Nikil Dutt, UCI
Rajiv Gupta, University of Arizona
Mahmut Kandemir, PSU
Jens Palsberg, Purdue University
Santosh Pande, GaTech
Eric Verhulst, Eonic Solutions, Germany

Tools and Methodology
Jan Madsen, Technical University of Denmark (Chair)
Axel Jantsch, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Petru Eles, Linkoping University, Sweden
J. Teich, Universitaet Paderborn, Germany
Frank Vahid, UC Riverside
Joerg Henkel, NEC
Pai H. Chou, UCI
Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen, Germany
Sri Parameswaran, The University of New South Wales, Australia

Scott Mahlke, UMICH (Chair)
Shail Aditya, HP
Henk Corporaal, IMEC
Carl Ebeling, University of Washington
Paolo Faraboschi, HP
Mary Jane Irwin, PSU
Bill Mangionne-Smith, UCLA
Trevor Mudge, UMICH
Herman Schmidt, CMU

Technical papers espousing significant novel ideas and technical results are solicited. Conference topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics in four tracks:

1. Compilers and Operating Systems

  • New optimizing compilers for embedded-domain constraints.
  • Light-weight languages for temporal specification.
  • Compiler controlled memory hierarchy management and smart caches.
  • System-on-a-Chip architectures/compilers and embedded software including heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded systems.
2. Architecture
  • Novel architectures and micro-architectures
  • Synergy between extant parallel computing technologies, such as notations for expressing concurrency, and instruction level parallel processing.
  • Reconfigurable or adaptive computing systems.
3. Tools and Methodologies
  • Automated design and synthesis of application- or domain-specific processors.
  • Application- or domain-specific embedded system designs
  • Research infrastructure development for embedded systems.
4. Applications
  • Emerging domains including micro-UAVs and textiles.
  • Wearable computing and/or mobile computing


Please submit one electronic copy of the paper in postscript or PDF format using the CASES web interface or via email to the address shown below. There is no page limit, but the paper must not exceed 4000 words in length. All papers must be submitted using the ACM SIG Proceedings Format. The conference proceedings will be published by the ACM Press.

Web submissions: http://tima.imag.fr/conferences/CASES2002
Email submissions: mailto:ahmed.jerraya@imag.fr


Proposals are solicited for both embedded and half day tutotials. Embedded tutorial proposals should follow the same format as a regular paper. Half day tutorial proposals should not exceed 4 pages and should describe the topics to be covered as well as the intended audience. Interested individuals are invited to submit proposals to the Tutorial Chair, mailto:shu@cse.nd.edu. The deadline is June 15, 2002.